18 October 2008

Fazermint - a hit

This is one of my favourite chocolate and I'll usual buy a box when I'm out travelling. I got high expectations for this chocolate, and I also thinks that our test panel will like it (ff you like mint that is)

First impression:
Each chocolate piece is wrapped in a a sliver wrapping. All the pieces is stored in a nice box that you can open and close.

Wrapping: 4

How does it look?
The pices is really tempting and you can smell the sweet mint flavour.

: 4

Is it yum-yum?
the dark chocolate piece with mint filling is delicious. Not to strong mint, just perfect.

: 5

Did I need one more?
I can eat lots of this. And then the next day. Next week. Next month. Next year. Almost a 6.

: 5

Does it cost your shirt?
It's not the cheapes chocolate, but it is quite manageable. And since it is soo good, this a keeper.

Value for money: 5

Final statement:
A top chocolate, a hit.

Total score: 23/30


Anonymous said...

Wrapping: 5
Appearance: 5
Taste: 5
Frequency: 5
Value for money: 5

Total: 25

Anonymous said...

Wrapping: 3
Appearance: 4
Taste: 5
Frequency: 5
Value for money: 5

Total: 22

Anonymous said...

Wrapping: 3
Appearance: 4
Taste: 5
Frequency: 4
Value for money: 4

Total: 20